Easy pizza recipe!!

You will need:

Now for the tutorial...

  1. Put all of the flour into a large bowl. OPTIONAL STEP- add a bit of salt into the flour to give your crust taste.
  2. Make a volcano- like hole in your flour, and inside that hole add a bit of the warm water. Next, using a spoon (or anything else you have lying around), mix the water and the flour. Make sure you add the water little by little. Pour, mix, pour,mix, until you get a nice dough. That is the pizza base!! You do not need top use all of the water.
  3. Now you have your dough, here comes the tricky part. To make the pizza base you need to put a bit of flour onto a CLEAN surface and place your dough onto that surface. Using a rolling pin (if you have one) or any other alternative flatten your dough and make it... well, pizza shaped! You can make it rectangular to fit your pan or circular to make it traditional, it is up to you.
  4. Put a baking sheet into your tray. This will assure the pizza will not stick to the tray. Powder your sheet with a tiny bit of flour to ensure it really doesn't get stuck... trust me, pizza stuck to the tray is NOT good.
  5. Now you are READY to make your pizza. Put your plattened dough (the base) on your tray and put your tomato sauce onto your base.)
  6. Add your cheese! Try to place it evenly on your pizza. So you ensure that the whole pizza is covered.
  7. Now put your toppings. Go HAM with it! Haha, get it...?
  8. Put it in the oven until the base is cooked. I'd say around 20 minutes but I reccomend you check every 5 minutes or so.
  9. Once your pizza is cooked you are DONE!!! Enjoy!!!